Warzone 2.0 just like the multiplayer version of the game features a Tactical Nuke where players can instantly win the match and unlock powerful rewards.

At the start, the nuke was only doable on the Al Mazrah map, but since Season 5 the nuke can also be completed on the Vondel map, with new exclusive rewards.

Here, we'll walk you through all the steps you need to take to destroy Al Mazrah and Vondel yourself with a nuke, and what kind of rewards can you get.

How To Get The Nuke in Warzone 2

Short story:

1. Win 5 matches in a row in Warzone 2 on either Al Mazrah or Vondel.

2. In your 6th match, find the Champion's Quest contract on the map and activate it.

3. Collect the three nuclear elements marked on the map.

4. Wait for the bomb site to appear.

5. Deposit the nuclear elements and arm the bomb.

6. Defend the Nuke for 2 minutes.

And the long story:

Before starting the hard path to earn the Tactical Nuke kill streak, you'll first need to complete a quite hard feat of 5 wins in a row in Warzone 2. If you win 5 in a row, you will get the Champion’s Quest contract in the 6th match.

Champion’s Quest Contract

Activate Quest

At the start of the sixth match, three yellow Warzone logos will appear on the Warzone map, all relatively close to each other. Choosing one of the three activates the quest.

Locate The Elements

Champion's Quest says "Build a nuclear bomb and destroy the battlefield." These contract objectives require finding Periodic Elements needed to assemble a nuke, all of which must be completed before the end of the match!

An objective counter with four circles will appear and during the game you must wait for each circle to be filled before unlocking Elements on the map. If you go to the marked place, you will see that this first element is Beryllium. If you or a member of your squad picks up Beryllium, the person holding it will be permanently marked with Most Wanted crown for the rest of the match.

Note: Instead of the usual red crown, it has a golden "Most Wanted" crown, indicating that he is trying to build a nuclear bomb. Anyone familiar with quests knows exactly what they're doing.

After obtaining Beryllium, wait until the next element is discovered and repeat the process to obtain Plutonium. Whoever catches the Plutonium will start taking continuous damage until the end of the match. This corrodes the armor plate and slowly damages the carrier over time. Also deals damage to all nearby teammates.

The last of the three elements revealed is Tritium, which affects the carrier with scrambled radar for the remainder of the match. Like radiation damage, it also affects all nearby squadmates.

Now you have all three elements for your tactical nuke ready and all you have to do is wait for the bomb site to be discovered which occurs at the beginning of the fourth circle. We remind you that at this point you are still under the influence of all factors.

Acquiring all three Elements will also trigger a Jailbreak public event, meaning both dead players and spectating players will return to the match. It also means that you want to remain on the side of the spectators of the nuclear rally. Because there is an opportunity to compete for the win once again!

Nuke assembly

As the fourth circle begins to collapse, planes fly overhead and drop bombs on the map. A nuclear bomb icon is displayed and a 5-minute timer goes off as soon as the bomb hits the map. Go to the location and interact with the device to place the collected Elements into the device. This assembly process removes all negative effects of the elements and a two-minute countdown begins until detonation.

Everyone will know where the nuclear bomb is, and you will have to fight them. Nuclear bomb deactivation works the same way as multiplayer search and destroy, and takes a few seconds to interact with and defuse the bomb site. If you don't disarm, the tactical nuke game is over. Failure doesn't mean you have to start over. Fortunately, if you fail a Champion's Quest contract, you have two more matches to try to complete. Otherwise, you should expect a five-game winning streak to reset.

Warzone 2 Al Mazrah Nuke Rewards

The following are the rewards for the Al Mazrah Nuke in Warzone 2:

  • Radioactivity Camo for All Weapons

  • Titan 239 Operator Skin for Nova

  • Dual Yield Electrified Knife Blueprint

  • Reactor 239 LTV Vehicle Skin

  • Boom Box Weapon Charm

  • Radioactive Weapon Sticker

Warzone 2 Vondel Nuke Rewards

The following are the rewards for the Vondel Nuke in Warzone 2:

  • Gamma Power Lachmann Sub Blueprint

  • FWOOM Calling Card

  • Isotopes Emblem

  • RDY 4 BOOM Weapon Charm

  • Neptunium Weapon Sticker

warzone 2 nuke

Tips For Getting The Nuke in Warzone

1. Hop in the helicopter and keep you and your squad moving. This will make you safer and make finding all your items easier.

2. Stick together as much as possible to protect the elements carrier. You can choose how to play. One person can grab the element and succumb to its effects, or divide it among squadmates where everyone will carry one element.

3. Use the wait time between reveal elements and loot in a quiet place away from the main POIs.

4. Have at least one person store items such as stims and armor plates in a backpack so there are enough plates and stims to help you survive.

5. You'll also most likely need to visit a gas station for repairs and refueling, which can be easily done by landing on the roof of a gas station. Squadmates can also carry a gas tank in their backpack, so they can refuel on the go.

6. The best mode to try to get a nuke in is Squads.

This is going to be a very very difficult quest, but hopefully, this guide will help you enable or prevent tactical hacks to end matches.

Buy The Warzone Nuke From A Pro Player

If you just can’t get the Nuke, no worries. We got you. You can buy the Warzone 2 Nuke here. How you may ask? Well, Boosting Factory actually hires professional CoD Warzone boosters who do this for living.

They would log into your account, assemble a squad of pro players and obtain the nuke for you. No funny business or cheating. It usually takes a few hours since apart from high skill you need luck too. You can also have it streamed for an extra cost. Don’t hesitate and get in touch today!

Secure the Call of Duty rewards you deserve, today.

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