The majority of 6v6 maps in MW3 will be remastered ones. Since this announcement was made, players eagerly await more details on the remastered maps. Recently, a video was released by the developers, which gave a glimpse into the remastered maps.

The post below contains 10 changes spotted in the remastered MW3 maps so far. Not all changes were well received. I will go through the list of changes and also highlight the impact of these on the gameplay.

1. Invasion

cod mw 3 invasion map
Invasion is a map known for the variety and balance it offers. In terms of changes, the video released indicates that the map now has a rich cityscape. Details of the buildings and structures are better defined. It remains to be seen whether they are cosmetic changes or come with functional enhancements as well.

One difference you will instantly notice is that interaction points are no longer monotonous. Apart from the entertainment quotient, the rich details because of structural changes provide new tactical options. Since Invasion is a large map, these changes certainly will make the map more challenging.

2. Favela

cod mw 3 favela map
I agree Favela might seem small for 6v6, but its numerous pathways and interaction points make it interesting. Since the map triggers medium-range combat, SMGs are the weapons of choice in this map.

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Stills from the video indicate that Favela's graphics have been enhanced drastically. The details are richer, and the color palettes are more diverse. Using more colors certainly makes the map more interesting and easy to understand. Texture enhancement is another aspect that is clear from the video.

Chances are no geographical changes have been made, but the above-mentioned enhancements make it easy to play the map, as everything is now easier to spot.

3. Scrapyard

cod mw 3 scrapyard><br>

The above 2 maps more or less got only graphical enhancements. However, the stills from the scrapyard indicate something different. For example, the scrapyard has new props. Props protect you from long sightlines or crosshairs of snipers.  <br><br>

The old scrapyard had plenty of areas where you would be in the sightline of snipers. With these props, that's not the case. The props have balanced the map, making it more challenging and exciting. <br><br>

<h2>4. Sub base</h2>
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The sub base was one of the few maps with snowy conditions affecting visibility. However, the remastered map changes that. Snow density is now lower. Consequently, visibility isn't a problem.

Snow still adds a bit of dynamism to the map but without compromising on the visibility. Apart from that, the large footprint of the open areas certainly reduces the claustrophobic nature of the map.

On the flip side, this map has few pathways to move around. Limited pathways mean that you are likely to be in the sightlines of enemy snipers most of the time, which is still a downside in the remastered map.

5. Quarry

cod mw 3 quarry
The best thing about the remastered quarry map is the change in elevation. Consequently, the playable area of the map is now larger. Apart from exploring more areas, players can now access better strategic points. That means even those teams who earlier dominated the map will now have to come up with a new strategy, making the map more challenging, at least for the first few weeks.

Apart from new strategic points, the chances of combat are higher. Of course, there are some graphical enhancements, but they are more or less cosmetic, especially when considering how else the map has changed. All in all, this is a map in which significant remastering changes have occurred.

6. Terminal

cod mw 3 terminal
More structures is what you will first notice in the Terminal map. Earlier, the team that camped first was likely to dominate the map. However, with new structures, it is easy to sniff them out without risking yourself.

Sure enough, that can increase the time required to dominate the map or to trigger combat, but the balanced gameplay is certainly welcome. With this map, both teams have equal opportunity.

Besides the structures, the map has some graphic enhancements, enhancing the aesthetics. If you avoided the Terminal map until now because of its imbalance, you won't have that complaint with this map in MW3.

7. Highrise

cod mw 3 highrise
One change that has little to no impact on the highrise is the change in the nature of the premises. The company whose office is visible is an entertainment company.

However, when it comes to the engagement or combat areas, the Actibase font is visible, but it is now larger. Since it is part of the playing area, it will certainly provide an advantage to players who plan to camp behind it.

With that being said, I, for one, am disappointed with the changes to this map since I expected the changes to be more functional rather than just cosmetic, especially on this map since it has so much potential.

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8. Rust

cod mw 3 rust
Rust is currently offered on the mobile version of the game. It made its debut in MW 2019. While it might be adequate for 1v1, the same cannot be said about 6v6. It can feel cramped for 6v6, so the chances of triggering action are much higher in this format.

One change you would notice in the remastered map is that the pipe is now replaced. In the earlier map, the pipe provided an advantage to the campers. In the remastered map, this advantage has been nullified.

It has been replaced by a small building which provides vertical access options. In a way, you can say that the map has been expanded vertically. When it comes to vertical gameplay, snipers do come in handy. Since most other aspects of the map are still the same, it will surely be a fierce map with something for everyone. Let's see how this strategic building and movement around it pans out.

9. Skidrow

cod mw 3 skidrow
Do you remember the ancient bookshop in Skidrow?

Very few players actually do. Now it is gone. We won't miss it much since it is replaced by a movie theater. Since this is a small map dotted by a few buildings, this change is indeed significant.

There is, however, another change. Since the map is mostly surrounded by buildings on all sides, the older version had limited light coming through. While it did not hamper visibility completely in the open areas, it left a lot to be desired in close ones like tunnels. That's what the developers have fixed in remastering.

The lighting is now better in the pathways, tunnels, and hallways. That means you can spot movements and enemies sooner, triggering more action and making the map challenging for everyone.

10. Estate

cod mw 3 estate
In a way, you can say that estate has now been militarized. Earlier, it just appeared as a faraway home amidst nature. However, now it has a tank and various intelligence screens.

The map is on a slope, which means that if you spawn at the bottom, things will be uphill (literally & figuratively) for you. The map certainly excels in the objectives mode but not so much in the other modes. While the map's vibe hasn't changed due to these additions, strategies would need to be recrafted.


Will old maps be available in MW3 along with remastered ones?

No, the developers have clarified that only remastered maps will be available in MW3. In a way, this is good to ensure no monotony, and new strategies would likely be needed to dominate the remastered maps.

Are they remastering MW 2 maps?

Yes, the developers have confirmed that they will be remastering at least 16 maps from MW 2 2009. While the recently released video shared details of only 10 maps, the other 6 maps are expected to undergo significant changes rather than just cosmetic ones.

Is MW2 remastered in a different universe?

The plot and the characters are similar, but the timeline is different. It would be interesting to see how the changed timeline impacts the remastered maps since only limited details have been revealed for now.

Is MW3 remastered like the old MW 2?

Developers have made it clear that MW3 is a sequel to MW2 and takes off from where MW2 left. As for the remastering, 16 maps will undergo remastering, which will be available to the players in 6v6 mode.

Will MW3 retain all remastered maps down the line?

Chances are a few remastered maps will be done away with in the subsequent seasons, going by the developers' track record. For the first couple of seasons, at-least all 16 will be available.


With every passing day, the excitement around COD MW3 is only increasing. The latest gameplay reveal video just took the excitement to a new peak. It would be exciting to know what changes the other 6 maps have undergone in remastering. However, many of the changes described above will certainly make these maps more exciting.

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