Ever since Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 was announced, there has been a lot of excitement about the maps that will be included in the game. After all, the maps can make or break the game. I have gone through numerous news reports and blog posts to compile this list of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 maps, which have been confirmed till now.

1. Rundown

cod mw 3 map rundown
Rundown is a multiplayer map that hasn’t garnered the attention it should. However, developers have confirmed that it will be part of MW3. The map is set in a Brazilian village which is not in the best shape.

With a river flowing midway through the map and 3 bridges to cross, it is undoubtedly challenging. Multiple accessible buildings (including second floor access), make vertical combat possible. Thus, if you prefer assault rifles or sniper guns, this map provides plenty of opportunity.

2. Rust

cod mw 3 map rust
Many players would agree that Rust is the most popular multiplayer map of the game. I would say Nuketown does give it a tough competition.

To be honest, the map is small, and many players believe it would be perfect for the 1v1 game. However, up until now, there has been no announcement about the same from the developers.

Nevertheless, the map surrounds a central structure, and its limited size ensures that action starts almost immediately when playing this map. Close quarter combat is what this map often triggers.

3. Afghan

cod mw 3 map afghan
Afghan is making a return in MW3. Therefore, it will undergo remastering. The best thing about the map is that it is based around a crashed C-130 plane skeleton.

The backdrop is that of a desert. The desert terrain and multiple engagement points in the multiplayer map certainly keep things exciting. There is a bit of vertical gameplay incorporated into the map as well, which ensures that you must be well aware of your surroundings to eliminate the enemies.

It remains to be seen how many changes the map undergoes in the remastering, but it will surely be an exciting map.

4. Skidrow

cod mw 3 map skidrow
Skidrow is a 6v6 map based in the US. The best thing about the map is its ability to trigger close-range combat. The backdrop is that of an apartment block. Alleys and flanking routes in the map can certainly surprise players because of enemies sneaking up.

Sure enough, after playing it a few times, you remember the routes like the back of your hand, but there is always a chance that the enemy might catch you off-guard.

5. Sub Base

cod mw 3 map sub base
True to its name, the multiplayer map is set in the backdrop of a submarine facility in Russia. While the submarine in the map is for mere aesthetics, the map is certainly worth playing.

The primary reason why the map is worth it is because of the close-range combat that it triggers. With plenty of places to sneak up on the enemy, you must always be on your toes if you want to dominate this map.

6. Scrapyard

cod mw 3 map scrapyard
How about competing in a plane scrapyard?

That is precisely what Scrapyard offers you. The setting is not only unique but also fun to play. The map is making a comeback for the same reason.

The last time around the map was available, players could move through the plane parts and even the warehouses on the map. With multiple paths and areas to be in, the map is certainly a bit chaotic as there is no central path or route. Numerous types of sightlines make it a good option for close range as well as long range combat. This challenge certainly makes the game more exciting.

7. Wasteland

cod mw 3 map wasteland
The unique thing about wasteland is that it is based in the forests near the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant. While the nuclear plant is just part of the story, the details have been captured well, which makes the map a bit eerie.

The good news is that the map has many unique elements, like a large bunker. The entire map is centered around the same. With numerous trenches to navigate through the map and shrubbery to hide, it is undoubtedly challenging.

If you are looking for a map that aids long-range combat, this is the one you should play. Snipers can certainly dominate this match.

While the bunker at the center might sound exciting, the snipers have the upper hand on you if you enter it. All in all, it is a challenging but exciting map.

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8. Terminal

cod mw 3 map terminal
Terminal, as the name suggests, is based in an airport terminal. The best thing is that the terminal and parked planes are all accessible to the players.

It means that long-range combat is certainly possible on this map. Not only that, one has plenty of flanking routes as well. Therefore, you can dominate the map if you believe in team play. The map is part of MW 2 and will also be a part of MW 3.

9. Derail

cod mw 3 map derail
Fancy a larger map?

If yes, Derail is a good option. The original map is one of the largest in MW2. While it is expected to undergo some changes, most people believe that despite these changes, it will remain one of the largest.

The elements of the map include numerous warehouses, housing areas, and a derailed train. As you might have noticed, all these elements are starkly different. Due to the varied environments, it provides equal chances to all players. However, you cannot ignore that it provides a distinct advantage to snipers.

10. Highrise

cod mw 3 map highrise
Highrise is a unique map because of its setting. It is set atop a skyscraper. The views are unique. As for the gameplay, since the skyscraper is under construction, players get plenty of things to hide behind. Not only that, the medium-sized map does offer numerous engagement ranges as well.

It remains to be seen how many changes it undergoes before being commissioned again in MW3.

11. Estate

cod mw 3 map estate
Most players would recognize the estate map because of a famous campaign mission it was part of in MW2. The excellent map design made it famous among players.

For those who aren’t aware, it features a house next to a forested area. While you can flank the opposite team, if you choose your spot well, you can engage in long-distance combat by using a sniper gun. All in all, it does provide something to every player.

12. Invasion

cod mw 3 map invasion
When it comes to combat, Afghanistan can’t be out of mind for long. As for COD MW 3, the map Invasion is set in Afghanistan but in an urban setting. The best part of this map is that the buildings on the map are accessible. They also offer elevated positions, making it easy for snipers to get the kills.

While one can always opt for close-range combat in the streets, the elevated positions provide an advantage. As for the map itself, the war-torn urban look certainly makes it realistic.

13. Favela

cod mw 3 map favella
Some maps are spread out over a large area, whereas others have a small footprint. Favela falls into the latter category. It is set in Rio De Janeiro. Since it is based in a slum, it is densely packed. With most rooftops and shanties accessible, it is as dense as a map can get.

Dense maps are always best for close-range combat. However, this is where the twist comes in. Since the rooftops are accessible to players, snipers also get a fair chance on this map. It is a well-balanced map if you like a denser setting.

14. Quarry

cod mw 3 map quarry
Quarry is another one that is going to continue from MW 2. It will undergo remastering, but the basic features of the map are likely to remain the same.

However, what are these basic features?

Well, for one, it is based in a Brazilian Quarry. The long sightlines do provide a few sniping spots. However, while finding your way around the map, you will likely encounter players at close range. Therefore, chances are you might have to take on some enemies at close range.

15. Karachi

cod mw 3 map karachi
Karachi is a dense city in Pakistan. True to its name, the map also features many aspects of the town.

For example, the map is multilayered because of the multistorey buildings in the city. The streets are pretty narrow and require tight turns to navigate them. There is always a fear that the enemy might lurk just around the corner.

Since balconies and rooftops are open for exploration, snipers can get a few kills if they do not lurk in the alleyways or bylanes below for long.

16. Underpass

cod mw 3 map underpass
Another map that is returning to MW 3 is the Underpass. There are a few unique aspects of this map, like the downpour of rain and the highway overpass that is in pretty bad condition.

The setting around an abandoned neighborhood makes it the perfect place to take down enemies. The sightlines are long, so medium to long-range weapons are an excellent choice when exploring this map.

No discussion regarding this map is complete without mentioning that all these elements come together pretty well, making this map aesthetically appealing.

17. Seatown

cod mw 3 map seatown
Seatown is a small map making its debut in MW3. The map consists of numerous alleys and buildings, most of which are accessible. The small footprint means the map offers close-range combat. However, the map has unique elements, like a castle and a marketplace.

The castle is in one corner of the map, but the marketplace is at the center. Also, the marketplace has many locations that allow you to keep a watch on the map. With numerous routes to escape and spots to take cover, even the team controlling the market area isn’t always destined to win.

The challenges that this small map offers certainly make it interesting.

18. Dome

cod mw 3 map dome
Dome is a map that has been making an appearance in between when it comes to COD. For example, it was introduced for mobile in May of 2021. For MW 2, it was included in season 2. However, it is finally coming back in MW 3, and I hope it stays this time.

To start with, it offers many close combat points. Despite the map being named after it, the dome doesn’t serve much purpose or occupy a large footprint on the map.

Most of the action, however, takes place around a bunker near the dome, which has 2 entrances. Not only that, there is a building nearby that has a hallway and a room as well. For cover, one can always use the vehicles around the map. It might not do justice to its name, but it is a map worth trying when it comes to close-range combat.

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19. Arkaden

cod mw 3 map arkaden
The backdrop of Arkaden is a mall located in Germany. However, spawn points are located in the street just in front of the mall. Another area that the players can explore is the hotel nearby.

With glass roofs accessible to the players, snipers certainly have something to play with. Not only that, the sightlines are pretty significant, and the second storey of the main building also gives you a view over the courtyard, making the role of snipers more prominent.

As for the hotel building, it offers areas like a bar, lounge, and 2 main rooms, all of which have open areas for plenty of action.

If you are looking for a medium-sized map with plenty of places for combat, go with this one.

20. Bakaara

cod mw 3 map baakara
Bakaara is a MW3 multiplayer map. It is based in an urban setting along with a shoreline. Access to numerous streets and buildings provides you with decent sightlines.

Streets consist of numerous vehicles to take cover. The center of the map consists of a courtyard, but that’s not all. The courtyard features a crashed black hawk whose minigun is functional. Take control of that, and you will have control of the courtyard.

But don’t think you can dominate for long using that minigun. Taking control of a minigun puts you into long sightlines, which means you would need your team to cover you, making it challenging.

It is a long map with a distinct feature and plenty of places to explore for combat.

21. Resistance

cod mw 3 map resistance
Resistance (Paris) is a special ops, survival mode, and multiple mode map in MW 3. The backdrop of the map is Paris, making it so exciting.

This medium-sized map consists of multiple elements like a hill, crowded streets, a shop, a destroyed house, and plenty of vehicles for cover. Map also offers Blast Shields, but they are a double-edged sword since they can explode if enough damage is inflicted.

Nevertheless, the multiple elements and plenty of opportunities for close-range combat and a few for long-range combat make it a map that offers something to everyone.

22. Downturn

cod mw 3 map downturn
The downturn has the backdrop of Wall Street. When maps have such an iconic backdrop, they become more exciting.

Based in Manhattan, it is a large map. The post-apocalyptic look of the map makes things exciting. Numerous streets are accessible, but be careful since many have caved into the subways below. Underground areas are accessible as well. They work as parallel routes on the map.

The best thing about this map is that the access isn’t limited to the underground but also to the buildings, which makes vertical gameplay possible.

Iconic backdrop, large map, vertical gameplay, all these aspects make this map exciting.

23. Bootleg

cod mw 3 map bootleg
Bootleg is available in multiplayer and survival mode in MW3. While it is a large map, it is centered around a 2 storied building, and therefore, you need to navigate through the following:

  • Lobby

  • Narrow passages

  • Outside streets

  • Since the building is accessible, vertical gameplay is possible because of long sightlines from all directions. On the south side of the map is a crowded alley that can give some close combat opportunities.

    But truth be told, for seasoned players, this is an excellent map for long-range combat.

    Read more in our: Top 20 Tips To Rank Up Fast in Warzone 2 Ranked Play

    24. Carbon

    cod mw 3 map carbon
    Next is a multiplayer map on my list by the name of Carbon, based in Somalia. The map is a difficult one since it consists of very few flanking routes. However, that is replaced by catwalks at the center of the map.

    In terms of guns, assault rifles can be of great use. The highlight of the map is the building in the center. However, that means the map seldom consists of long sightlines, which means close and medium combat is what dominates this map.

    25. Hardhat

    cod mw 3 map hardhat
    Hardhat is a multiplayer map in COD MW3. It was also a part of MW 1. That is why some changes might happen when it is reintroduced in MW 3.

    Backdrop is a construction site in New York City. Due to the unfinished buildings and chokepoints, plenty of places exist to hide.

    Map triggers close-quarter combat because of the small footprint. For snipers, it offers only a couple of long sightlines. The main chokepoint of the map is the building near the center. With 4 entrances, it is very hard to defend this building. The only way to dominate this map is through teamwork.

    When it comes to maps with small footprints, it is probably the map that triggers the most intense combat.

    26. Lockdown

    cod mw 3 map lockdown
    Lockdown map has been part of Black Ops III, Black Ops IV, and even MW 2. In MW 3, it is a map that consists of numerous apartment buildings. The streets below consist of a few cars which provide cover.

    Vertical sightlines from apartments to the streets below provide some opportunities for snipers. However, most action is in apartments making it close combat.

    Most franchise players are familiar with this map because of its long history, which provides them a distinct advantage.

    27. Village

    cod mw 3 map village
    Next is another large-sized multiplayer map on our list. It has a unique backdrop in Sierra Leone, Africa, especially considering the jungle village backdrop.

    With a creek in the middle and a bridge across it, it does offer long sightlines. For cover, there are many buildings and even a cave with a waterfall. On one side of the creek is the village, and on another side is a building. Consequently, there is something on either side that makes the map exciting.

    28. Fallen

    cod mw 3 map fallen
    Fallen is a survival and multiplayer map best described as mid-sized.

    The map is set in an urban landscape in a Soviet compound near Pripyat. Numerous abandoned buildings provide excellent cover. The roads certainly provide opportunities for close-quarter combat. However, from the right spots, long sightlines are offered as well. It is a well-balanced map with proper cover, opportunities for close-quarter combat, and long-range combat.

    29. Outpost

    cod mw 3 map outpost
    The outpost can be best described as a medium-sized map located in Siberia. With long sightlines, assault rifles are the perfect weapon for this map. However, sniper rifles can also be used.

    Numerous buildings, crates, and barrels offer plenty of cover and chances for close-quarter combat. The map also features an underground station, which adds another element to the map. With something for everyone, you cannot go wrong with this map.

    30. Interchange

    cod mw 3 map interchange
    Seems like most new multiplayer maps of MW 3 are medium-sized, and this one qualifies under that tag as well. The unique thing is that it is based in New Jersey, USA. However, the city has undergone significant destruction.

    Cover points are plenty with an open highway that has been bombed and scattered with broken vehicles. However, the highway also gives snipers a chance due to long sightlines. There are a few indoor areas you can head over to. In and around these are plenty of spots for close-quarter combat. Another well-balanced map it is.

    31. Underground

    cod mw 3 map underground
    Underground allows you to play on the roads of London and the underground. Tracks are littered with demolished trains. The station in the map is great to get some cover and close combat action. The unique setting and opportunities for close-quarter combat make this map an excellent medium-sized option.

    Wrapping it up

    With the variety in terms of maps, CoD MW 3 is sure going to be exciting. Simultaneously, it’s not easy to accustom yourself with so many maps either. Therefore it is sure going to be tough. The sheer number of maps available, gives fans something to look forward to.

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