When Does HotS Season 7 (2017 Season 4) Start?

Heroes of the Storm's Season 7 starts on week of December 12th, 2017.

When Does HotS Season 7 End?

Season 7 ends on week of March 6th, 2018.

Season 7 (2017 Season 4) Rewards

- Usual Gold + portrait rewards for each tier are awarded.

- Normal mounts are awarded for players in Platinum and Diamond, while Epic Mounts are rewarded to those in Master or Grandmaster.

Hero League Portraits hero league portraits season 7

Team League Portraits team league portraits season 7

Season 7 (2017 Season 4) Changes

Performance-based matchmaking is now here. The game will track how well you perform in the game to adjust your MMR gain or loss after each game. You will now win and lose different amounts of MMR depending on how well you performed during the game. The game will also track your plays with each hero to make the system even more accurate.

Even more reason to hire our boosting professionals to do your placements and get a higher division for you. They will outplay most other players and give you extra MMR with each win, and even less loss of MMR during each loss!

How To Win All Placement Games?

Check our guide How To Win 9 or Even 10 Placement Games.

As usual, we offer Placement Matches boosting to get you as high as possible for the next season, placement games boosting is the best bang for your buck as those 10 games determine the rating where you will end up in and shifts can be huge. We win at least 7 games, usually 8-10.

We can do them for you piloted, or you can queue up with one of our pros and play them yourself with a little help in Team League.

Thank you for reading our guide. Let us know if you disagree with anything or an update is needed! :)

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