The best thing about choosing the Necromancer class is that you can create your minion army, which can help you in most battles. However, merely having minions won’t help you in every case. That’s why you need the right build to dominate in most battles. The build I will highlight below fulfills that requirement.

The post will cover every detail of this build to help you understand why it's such a good option.


In my opinion, the build you should go with is the Skeletal Minions build. I chose this build for a couple of reasons. The primary is that the minions called in this build, Skeleton and Golem, can significantly damage enemies. They can also protect you, which is an added advantage. A few other reasons why I recommended this build include:

  • The build relies heavily on passive skills. While activating so many passive skills takes time, once you have done that, they help you with offense and defense. Despite that, the learning curve of this build is limited.

  • The build itself is a good mix of offense and defense, which ensures it can help in almost every situation.

  • Due to these reasons, if you are going with the Necromancer class, you should choose this build.

    Read more in our: The Best Diablo 4 Sorcerer Build & Guide

    Skills Breakdown

    While passive skills are essential for this build, you need a handful of active ones to control every battle and tilt the odds in your favor.

  • Reap (Basic skill)

  • Sever (Core skill)

  • Corpse Explosion

  • Corpse Tendrils

  • Raise Skeleton

  • Golem

  • Reap

    Reap is a physical spell that damages the enemy present in the targeted area. If an enemy is hit, you generate 4 Essence for every enemy hit. When that happens, you also suffer 15% less damage from that enemy for up to 2 seconds. The upgrades include:

    Upgrade 1, known as Enhanced Reap, imparts you 30% Attack Speed in case an enemy hit by Reap succumbs to the attack within 2 seconds of being hit. The extra Attack Speed you gain lasts for 3 seconds.
  • Upgrade 2 is Acolyte's Reap, which helps you turn an enemy into an asset. With this upgrade, the first enemy hit by the skill turns into a Corpse. However, the frequency of use is limited to 5 seconds.

  • One of the main advantages of using Reap is that it generates Essence, which helps you use other skills as well. An alternative to Reap is Bone Splinters. Bone Splinters does generate more Essence but causes less damage. Hence, it's always best to go with Reap for this build.


    The best thing about Sever is that it is powerful and visually appealing. Execute this skill, and you'll notice your character's specter charging ahead and inflicting damage on the enemy. Keep in mind that it does cost 20 Essence. Upgrades of this skill include:

  • Upgrade 1, known as Enhanced Sever, further amplifies the damage caused by the skill.

  • Upgrade 2 is known as Supernatural Sever, which boosts your damage by 2% for every Minion available whenever you cast this skill.

  • The advantage of Sever being a Core skill is that you have to merely spend Essence to use it. You don't have to worry about the cooldown. Besides that, the Damage Per Second it inflicts is pretty high. Since you can cast it multiple times, it becomes more powerful. You might have noticed that I highlighted how this build is based on Minions. This fact perfectly synergizes with this skill. The more Minions you have, the more powerful this skill will get, which certainly helps you slay enemies faster.

    Corpse Explosion:

    diablo 4 corpse explosion
    Corpse Explosion is true to its name since it detonates a corpse. Whoever is nearby experiences damage.

  • Upgrade 1, Enhanced Corpse Explosion, increases the damage radius by 15%. It's a surefire way to catch more enemies off guard and damage them.
  • Upgrade 2 is known as Blighted Corpse Explosion and instead of exploding corpses it results in vile miasma release which causes Shadow Damage. The duration of the Shadow Damage is 6 seconds.

  • This skill comes in handy when you want to damage hordes of enemies at once, escape a tricky situation, or survive a battle.

    Since Corpse Explosion doesn't require Essence, you can use it frequently. Not only that, it doesn't have a cooldown, which means you can use it back to back as well. However, there is a caveat, which you might have guessed by now. You need a corpse for this skill to work.

    Corpse Tendrils

    diablo 4 corpse tendrils
    The skill I am highlighting might appear a bit gore but it does deal a significant amount of damage. When you use this skill, veins of the corpse will protrude outwards and pull the enemies towards the corpse which not only stuns them for a duration of 3 seconds but also deals physical damage. It doesn't destroy the corpse, which means you can use it for other skills.

  • Upgrade 1 is called Enhanced Corpse Tendrils, which also slows enemies near the corpse by 50% and then pulls them.

  • Upgrade 2 is called Plagued Corpse Tendrils, which renders those enemies damaged by this skill Vulnerable. The duration of Vulnerability is 3 seconds.

  • The reason why this skill is so effective is because it can help you damage hordes of enemies. You can also combine this skill with Corpse Explosion. Once the enemies are pulled towards the corpse you can explode the corpse which will cause significant damage to all the enemies nearby. If you have upgraded Corpse Explosion, then you can increase the radius as well which means more enemies suffer damage.

    Raise Skeleton

    diablo 4 raise skeleton
    How about letting a corpse fight on your behalf?

    That's exactly what Raise Skeleton does. It allows you to extract the skeleton from the corpse, which fights on your behalf. Do this multiple times, and you can even call the Skeletal Priest, who will impart more power to the minions for 5 seconds. During these 5 seconds, their Damage increases by 20%. Not only that, but it heals them by 10% as well.

    The Skeletons will not only attack enemies on your behalf but also protect you from them. Since Necromancers rely heavily on Minions, this skill comes in handy.


    Golem is a unique active skill because it has a passive and an active component to it. The passive component involves a Golem which has a set life and causes physical damage to enemies. As Golem sustains damage, it leaves behind corpses.

    The active component makes the Golem Unstoppable. It also taunts enemies in the vicinity. Taunting also enhances the damage handling capacity of Bone Golem. When it is unstoppable it will suffer 30% less damage for a duration of 6 seconds.

    Once enemies drain Golem's health, it can respawn after a cooldown time of 20 seconds.

    The corpses generated by Bone Golem can be used with other spells like Explosion Tendrils or Raise Skeleton. That way, you can expand the army of Minions further to cause a significant amount of damage.

    Depending on your levels, you can call it a bone, blood, or iron golem.

    While I have highlighted attributes of Bone Golem above, the Blood one can drain life from enemies in close proximity and is available at level 28. The Iron Golem is available at level 32 and slams the ground to stun enemies for a limited time.

    This skill is so vast that each of these Golems also has its own upgrades.

    Bone Golem Upgrades

  • Upgrade 1 causes Bone Golem to shed a corpse when he suffers 20% damage.

  • Upgrade 2 helps Bone Golem boost maximum health by 10%. Additionally, the Thorns they can inherit from the player increase by up to 50%.

  • Blood Golem Upgrades

  • Upgrade 1 helps Blood Golem absorb 15% of the damage that otherwise would be inflicted on you.

  • Upgrade 2 reduces damage suffered by Blood Golem by 25%. Not only that, it boosts Damage by 50%.

  • Iron Golem Upgrade

  • Upgrade 1 helps Iron Golem generate a shockwave for every 5th slam. The shockwave causes 238 damage to nearby enemies.

  • Upgrade 2 helps Iron Golem make enemies Vulnerable when slamming the ground. The duration of the same is 3 seconds.

  • Passive Breakdown

    Now that I have covered the active skills, I will let you know which passive skills you should activate for this build and how they will help you.

    Skeleton Warrior Mastery

    Raise Skeleton helps you raise a Skeleton from a corpse. However, its utility is dependent on its life and damage. The same is true for the minions raised by Golems. The advantage of this passive is that it boosts the damage caused by Skeletons. Additionally, it boosts their life. That's why this passive works perfectly well with your active skill.

    Unliving Energy

    Casting spells costs plenty of Essence. Unliving Energy helps you enhance your maximum Essence limit. As your maximum Essence limit increases, it becomes easier to cast more spells.

    Imperfectly Balanced

    In this build, the core skill is Sever, which causes significant damage to the enemies. What if you could boost this damage?

    With Imperfectly Balanced you can. It will boost the core skills damage by 5% but there is a cost to it as it results in 3% higher Essence spend.

    Grim Harvest

    Most skills and spells cost Essence. However, this one helps you earn Essence. You can earn Essence every time you consume a corpse.

    Fueled By Death

    This passive boosts your movement speed by 3% whenever you consume a corpse. The duration is 5 seconds. However, you can stack it up only 10 times.

    Reaper's Pursuit

    As a Necromancer, you'll, of course, use Darkness Skills from time to time. With this passive skill, each time you damage an enemy using such skills, your Movement Speed goes up by 5%. The duration of this boost is 3 seconds.


    Gloom is another passive that helps you benefit from the Darkness Skills. Whenever you damage an enemy using such a skill, you and the minions inflict 2% more Shadow Damage. The duration is 2 seconds, and you can stack up to 3 such benefits.


    Terror helps you inflict additional bonus damage to Slowed, Stunned, and Immobilized enemies when you use Darkness Skills.

    Crippling Darkness

    Crippling Darkness provides darkness skills with a limited probability of stunning enemies. The duration of the same is 1 second.


    Shadowblight is unleashed on enemies for 2 seconds whenever they suffer Shadow Damage. Every 10th time an enemy is inflicted with Shadowblight, they experience 22% more Shadow damage.

    Golem Mastery

    Golems can help you unleash a lot of damage on your enemies. However, they are only around for a set time. Golem Mastery helps you increase their life and the damage they cause.

    Hewed Flesh

    Hewed Flesh provides you with a 4% probability of Corpse Creation at the targeted location. The probability is double when dealing with bosses.

    Inspiring Leader

    Be healthy for 2 seconds, and you and your minions experience higher attack speed. This passive is significantly beneficial when you have more minions.

    Skeletal Mage Mastery

    Simply put, this passive boosts the life and damage of the Skeletal Mages.

    Death's Defense

    This passive makes your Minions gain more resistance and armor, meaning the maximum life they can lose in a single hit goes down significantly.

    Hellbent Commander

    Hellbent Commander helps your minions deal higher damage. The only condition is that you should be nearby.


    diablo 4 book of the dead

    The Necromancer class's specialization is the Book of the Dead. This specialization is available right from the start, but what you can summon from it varies according to your level.

    Let's say you are just starting out and are at Level 1. In that case, you can only call basic skeletons using the book. As you climb the levels, the minions you can call also go up.

    The book is available from Level 1, but to access all Golem skills, you must complete the Priority quest, which appears at Level 25.

    Necromancer Skillpoints Distribution

    Table below covers how to spend points gained to execute this build well.

    Levels Skill Purpose
    2 Reap Activates skill that causes physical damage
    3 Enhanced Reap Upgrades skill to provide higher Attack speed
    4 Sever Activates skill that causes significant damage
    5 Enhanced Sever Upgrades skill to enhance the damage further
    6 Supernatural Sever Upgrades the skill which further enhances the damage
    7 Acolyte’s Reap Upgrades the skill to turn enemy into a corpse
    8 Sever tier 2 Enhances the skill further
    9 Sever tier 3 Enhances the skill further
    10 Sever tier 4 Enhances the skill further
    11 Sever tier 5 Enhances the skill further
    12 Skeletal Warrior Mastery Activates passive skill to raise Skeletons from corpses.
    13 Skeletal Warrior Mastery tier 2 Enhances the skill further
    14 Skeletal Warrior Mastery tier 3 Enhances the skill further
    15 Corpse Explosion Activates skill that helps you detonate a corpse
    16 Enhanced Corpse Explosion Upgrades skill to increase corpse explosion radius
    17 Blighted Corpse Explosion Upgrades skill further to release vile miasma to cause Shadow Damage
    18 Corpse Tendrils Activates the skill
    19 Enhanced Corpse Tendrils Upgrades skill to slow enemies down before pulling them
    20 Plagued Corpse Tendrils Upgrades skills to make some enemies Vulnerable
    21 Unliving Energy Activates passive to increase Maximum Essence
    22 Imperfectly Balanced Activates passive to cause more damage while using Sever
    23 Imperfectly Balanced tier 2 Enhances the skill further
    24 Imperfectly Balanced tier 3 Enhances the skill further
    25 Grim Harvest Activates passive to help you earn Essence on consuming a corpse
    26 Fueled By Death Activates passive to boost movement speed
    27 Reaper’s Pursuit Activates passive to help you boost Movement speed when you meet certain conditions
    28 Gloom Activates passive which inflicts additional Shadow Damage
    29 Gloom tier 2 Enhances the skill further
    30 Gloom tier 3 Enhances the skill further
    31 Terror Activates passive to inflict more damage on certain enemies
    32 Terror tier 2 Enhances the skill further
    33 Terror tier 3 Enhances the skill further
    34 Crippling Darkness Activates passive to provide some probability of stunning enemies
    35 Shadowblight Activates passive skill that unleashes Shadowblight damage on enemies who have suffered Shadow Damage
    36 Golem Mastery Activates passive that makes Golems last longer and amplifies damage they can cause
    37 Corpse Explosion tier 2 Enhances the skill further
    38 Corpse Explosion tier 3 Enhances the skill further
    39 Corpse Explosion tier 4 Enhances the skill further
    40 Corpse Explosion tier 5 Enhances the skill further
    41 Hewed Flesh Activates passive that amplifies probability of Corpse Creation
    42 Hewed Flesh tier 2 Enhances the skill further
    43 Hewed Flesh tier 3 Enhances the skill further
    44 Grim Harvest tier 2 Enhances the skill further
    45 Grim Harvest tier 3 Enhances the skill further
    46 Fueled by Death tier 2 Enhances the skill further
    47 Fueled by Death tier 3 Enhances the skill further
    48 Inspiring Leader Activates passive that provides higher attack speed
    49 Skeletal Mage Mastery Activates passive that amplifies life and damage of Skeletal Mages
    Renown Death’s Defense Activates passive skill that makes Minions stronger
    Renown Death’s Defense tier 2 Enhances the skill further
    Renown Death’s Defense tier 3 Enhances the skill further
    Renown Hellbent Commander Activates passive that makes minions stronger
    Renown Hellbent Commander tier 2 Enhances the skill further
    Renown Hellbent Commander tier 3 Enhances the skill further
    Renown Golem Mastery tier 2 Enhances the skill further
    Renown Golem Mastery tier 3 Enhances the skill further
    Renown Skeletal Mage Mastery tier 2 Enhances the skill further
    Renown Skeletal Mage Mastery tier 3 Enhances the skill further

    Paragon board and Glyph Breakdown

    Without the right paragon boards, executing this build isn't easy. That's why I will share a step-by-step method to use the boards in the right way.

    1. Starting board

    necromancer build starting board
    On the starting board, progress northwards from the right side. The aim is to unlock the Prime Node. Unlocking this node boosts your Maximum Life and enhances the Damage you can inflict on enemies. After that, focus on unlocking the Damage Magic Nodes, which further boost the damage you can cause.

    After that, move towards the Glyph socket and place the unlocked Blood-Drinker Glyph in it. I recommend placing this Glyph because it boosts the power of the Magic Nodes in its vicinity. If you observe the board, you’ll notice that the starting board consists of plenty of Magic Nodes.

    After unlocking those nodes, it's time to head to the Intelligence nodes in the Southwest direction of the board. Thereafter, move towards the Knowledge Node, and in the path, whichever Magic Nodes you encounter, unlock those as well.

    Before exiting this board, it's best to unlock the Preservation Node. The advantage of this node is that it enhances the Armor, improving your survivability. Besides that, it increases Intelligence, which helps you with casting spells as well. For a necromancer, casting spells is like bread and butter; therefore, this node benefits a lot.

    Of Course, before you finally exit the board, you need to unlock the Magic Nodes, which are near the Preservation board. Move towards the board exit thereafter and the next board you should attach is the Wither Board.

    Reason I recommended the Wither board is because this board helps you with the Shadow Damage and reduces the damage that enemies can inflict on you. For a Necromancer, anything that can improve survivability is worth pursuing and that’s why this board is a good choice.

    2. Wither board

    necromancer build wither board
    Before you start unlocking any nodes on this board, rotate it so that the Glyph Socket is near the Northwest end of the board. Once you have placed the board right, it's time to move towards the Dragging Shadows Node and unlock it. This is the node I was speaking about when I mentioned this board helps with Shadow Damage. It provides you a chance to inflict Shadow Damage on enemies.

    After that, move towards the west because you need to unlock the Wither node. Once again, the Wither node increases the probability of inflicting more Shadow Damage. As you keep ramping up these probabilities, you have a pretty decent probability of making this work in your favor.

    Now you need to backtrack your steps towards the Dragging Shadows node and then move Northwards followed by East to reach the Lingering Shadows node. Once again it boosts the chance of dealing more Shadow damage on enemies. Don’t forget to unlock the Magic Nodes nearby as well.

    Move towards the Gnawing Darkness node next followed by the Magic Nodes in the vicinity. This node allows you to inflict more Shadow Damage on enemies over a period of time. It comes in pretty handy when you are dealing with bosses or other such stronger enemies.

    Next on your list should be the Malediction Node. Unlocking this node and the nearby Magic Nodes can boost your Shadow Damage by 35%. Keep in mind that this isn’t a chance boost but an actual increase, which certainly makes your character more powerful.

    Finally, you can unlock the Glyph socket and place the Scourge Glyph in it. Scourge Glyph allows you to boost the Shadow Damage as long as you can procure Willpower in its range. So, your next job should be to unlock as many Willpower nodes as you can within the range of the Glyph.

    Once you have done that, move towards the board exit. The next board you should attach is the Flesh-Eater board.

    3. Flesh Eater board

    necromancer build flesh eater board
    Rotate the board so the Glyph socket is near the center on the right side. The first node you need to unlock after that is the Stifle node by moving rightwards. Stifle is a rare node that boosts damage you can cause to injured enemies and also increases the Critical Strike Damage. Don’t forget to unlock the Magic Nodes nearby.

    Next you need to move towards the Flesh-Eater node which helps you increase the damage by 40% when you consume 5 corpses. The duration for this is 6 seconds. Since you next need to unlock the Targeted Node, you need to move back to the Stifle Node and then move east. The Targeted node can help you inflict more damage on Elites and also boosts your Intelligence. Before moving to any other node ensure you unlock the Magic Nodes nearby.

    Now, it's time to unlock the Glyph socket. The Glyph which you need to place in it is the Territorial Glyph. This Glyph helps you inflict more Damage on enemies in close proximity for every 5 Dexterity you can gain within the range of the Glyph. Therefore, unlock all the Dexterity Nodes near the Glyph before moving to the Culler node.

    Culler node provides multiple benefits like increasing execution chance by 10% against normal enemies. It boosts the attack speed as well. Unlock the Attack Speed nodes nearby to further elevate the speed at which you can inflict damage.

    Before exiting the mode, remember to unlock the Intelligence Node, which is just above the Glyph. Thereafter, you need to move towards the Exit Node. The next board you need to attach is the Scent of Death board. This board helps you cause more damage to Injured Enemies and Healthy Enemies along with boosting Critical Strike Damage.

    4. Scent of Death board

    necromancer build scent of death board
    Before unlocking any nodes, move the board such that the Glyph socket is on the North of center. The first node you should unlock on this board is the Ruin Node. The nodes boosts the damage caused to Healthy Enemies. Apart from that, it also increases the Critical Strike Damage. Next are the Magic Nodes in the vicinity of the Ruin Node.

    Move towards the Scent of Death Node which helps you reduce damage experienced as long as there are at least 2 corpses nearby. If the corpses are not available, it instead increases the damage you can inflict.

    After that you need to move towards the Glyph socket and place the Darkness Glyph in it. The Glyph is responsible for increasing the Shadow Damage. The only caveat is that it does so for every 5 Willpower you procure within the influence range of the Glyph. The next node you need to focus on is once again the Preservation Node. As highlighted above it increases the Intelligence and also helps you survive longer.

    Follow that up with the Armour Magic Nodes nearby, and you can fight some pretty tough enemies without having to worry about getting killed. Since you need as much willpower as you can get near the Glyph, ensure you unlock all of them (Willpower Nodes) before exiting the board. Once you have done that, move towards the North of the board to exit and attach the Bloodbath board next.

    5. Bloodbath board

    necromancer build bloodbath board
    I chose Bloodbath board because it helps you cause more damage. Before you begin unlocking any nodes in this board, ensure that you rotate the board enough to place the Glyph socket in the bottom left corner.

    Thereafter, move directly towards the Glyph slot and place the Control Glyph in it. The Control Glyph helps you inflict more damage on Crowd-Controlled enemies. To do so, you need to procure Intelligence within the Glyph's range. If you manage to gain 40 Intelligence within its range, even your minions can deal more damage against chilled or Slowed enemies.

    After placing the Glyph, you need to move towards the Remedy and Hardened nodes. The Remedy node helps you heal yourself and also adds to the Intelligence. The Hardened Node on the other hand boosts your Damage when you are Fortified. It also adds to the Intelligence. Thereafter it's time to unlock the Magic nodes in the vicinity followed by the Intelligence nodes in the Glyph’s influence area.

    Legendary Aspects

    The best way to make this build even more powerful is to source the right Legendary Aspects. You can do so by completing certain dungeons or through a looted item. I have divided the aspects you need into Offensive Aspects, Defensive Aspects, Utility Aspects, and Resources Aspects. Along with the Aspects, I will also highlight the best gear to imprint them on.

    Offensive Aspects

    Offensive Aspects can be imprinted on rings, amulets, gloves, and weapons. The best Offensive aspects you can procure include:

    Blighted Offensive Aspect

    With the help of this aspect you can deal 120% more damage for a time of 6 seconds. This happens when you manage to damage enemies using Shadowblight for 10 times. The best way to procure this Aspect is by going through the dungeon Akkhan’s Grasp in the region Hawezar.

    Offensive Aspect of Grasping Veins

    Corpse Tendrils is a vital and powerful skill in this build. The Aspect I am highlighting now makes it even more powerful. When you have this Aspect, it boosts the Critical Strike Chance by 20%. The duration is 6 seconds. The Critical Strike Bonus also receives a boost by 60% as long as an enemy is hit by it. The best way to get this aspect is to go through the Corrupted Grotto dungeon in Kehjistan.

    Offensive Aspect of Reanimation

    Once you gain this aspect, your Skeletal Minions become more powerful. The damage they can inflict increases by 30% for a period of 10 seconds. You can gain this aspect by going through the Aldurwood dungeon in the Scosglen region.

    Cadaverous Offensive Aspect

    Consume a corpse when you have this Aspect and you can boost the damage caused by Sever by 10%. The stack limit is upto 50%. The best way to gain this aspect is to extract it through the looted gear.

    Offensive Aspect of Decay

    This Aspect comes into play when enemies suffer Shadowblight passive damage. Everytime the enemies experience the same, the next Shadowblight causes 40% extra damage. However the stack limit for this is 5 times and also the duration is limited to 10 seconds. Check the looted gear to gain it.

    Read more in our: The Complete Diablo 4 World Boss Guide (Timers, How To's)

    Defensive Aspects

    Defensive Aspects can be imprinted on Rings, Amulet, Chest Armour, and Helm. The only Defensive Aspect you need for this build is known as the Defensive Aspect of Disobediance.

    Defensive Aspect of Disobediance:

    The best thing about this Aspect is that it provides the benefit when you inflict any type of damage. The benefit is 0.5% increase in armour. The stacking limit is pretty decent at 50%. The duration of the increased armour is 4 seconds. Complete the Halls of the Damned dungeons in Kehjistan to gain this aspect.

    Utility Aspects

    Utility Aspects, in most cases, benefit the minions you have. You can imprint these on Shields, Gloves, Helms, Chest Armour, or Boots. The couple of Utility Aspects you need with this build include:

    Blood Getter’s Utility Aspect

    The maximum number of Skeletal Warriors you can procure increases by 2 when you have this Aspect. Unfortunately, you will have to scout for the right looted gear to gain this Aspect.

    Viscous Utility Aspect

    Similar to the above Aspect, this one increases the maximum limit of Skeletal mages by 2. Once again, you must rely on the looted gear to gain this Aspect.

    Resource Aspects

    Resources Aspects can only be imprinted on rings. There is only 1 Resource Aspect that you need.

    Resource Aspect of the Umbral

    Crowd Control an enemy and this Aspect helps you restore Essence by 1 to 4. The best way to gain this Aspect is by going through the Champion’s Demise dungeon in Dry Steppes.

    Suitable Gear Type for Necromancer Build Diablo 4

    While selecting the equipment, always pay attention to the attributes that I will highlight below.

    1. Weapon

    The best choice you have is the Two Handed Sword. Apart from that, when choosing a weapon, watch out for Core Skill Damage, Critical Strike Damage, and Vulnerable Damage. These are the 3 main attributes you should judge a weapon on.

    2. Helm

    Helm should be judged on Maximum Life and Intelligence.

    3. Chest Armour

    It’s best to judge it on Maximum life, Damage Reduction and of course the Armour it adds.

    4. Gloves

    Gloves should help you climb the Sever rank. They should also add to the Attack Speed and Damage.

    5. Pants

    In case of Necromancer, the Pants should add to the life, Damage Reduction, and the Corpse Explosion Rank.

    6. Boots

    Boots should help you with Movement Speed and also aid the Corpse Tendrils rank.

    7. Amulet

    Amulets should help you with Damage Reduction, Damage and Movement Speed.

    8. Rings

    Rings should help you inflict more damage specially on nearby enemies and also should increase the Vulnerable Damage.

    When encrusting equipment with gems to make them better, follow the criteria below.

  • Weapons are best encrusted with Amethysts, which will Increase Damage over time.

  • Armour should be encrusted with Rubies, which increases Maximum Life.

  • Jewelry should be encrusted with Skulls which increases Armour.

  • Limitations of Skeletal Minions Necromancer build diablo 4

    This build has a few limitations as well. Below, I will cover those and help you understand how to overcome them.

    1. Doesn't aid mobility

    The build can help amplify many different attributes, but mobility is hardly one of them. However, since it helps you call Minions, you can move at your own pace and still be protected. Therefore, when executing this build, always ensure you call minions as soon as possible.

    2. Unique item needed

    The build relies heavily on Unique items. Therefore, try to complete as many dungeons as you can if you want to execute it well.


    Is the Necromancer good in Diablo 4?

    The ability to use the Book of Dead to summon various creatures is what makes Necromancer so good in Diablo 4. The class does have a learning curve, but once you spend some time, you can easily conquer difficult enemies using this class.

    What is the best summon in Diablo 4 Necromancer?

    The best creatures Necromancers can summon are the Skeleton Warriors, who cause significant damage. Another good option is the Skeleton mages.

    What weapon should Necromancer use Diablo 4?

    The most unique and a powerful weapon for a Necromancer in Diablo 4 is the Scythe. It helps them inflict significant damage.

    Wrapping it up

    Thus, if you’re looking for the best Necromancer build diablo 4, execute the Skeletal Minions build that I have highlighted above. It utilizes the advantages of the Necromancer class pretty well to ensure you have a formidable army of minions by your side and can cast spells at will without having to worry about Essence.

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    We can also gear up your Necromancer with our Nightmare Dungeons boost service and Unique Items boost service.

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