How To Get a Warzone Nuke in Urzikistan (Season 1 Reloaded) Warzone Season 1 Reloaded update brought about a lot of changes. One change among them was the ability to initiate and complete a Champion’s Quest contract, which can get you a warzone nuke.

Yes, I am speaking about the Nuke. The post below covers how to get that Nuke and how to use it to end the game instantly.

What does Nuke do in Warzone?

The reason why a nuke is so vital is because once it's detonated, the game ends directly. Your team wins, which means it's a winning card. Of course, you can use it only once until you regain it by completing the Champion’s Quest.

Champion’s Quest is not an open contract, and there is a long process to become eligible for the contract. So, if you are wondering how to get the Warzone nuke, check the section below.

Read more in our: The Best Meta Warzone Loadout - Top 10 Guns in Warzone

How to get the Warzone Nuke?

Before I share the procedure, you need to understand that getting a nuke in Urzikstan is extremely difficult because of the large map and more players.

While I will go into the detailed procedure below, the basic steps to get a warzone nuke are:

  • Step 1: Qualify for Champions Quest

  • Step 2: Complete Champions Quest

  • Step 3: Assemble the Nuke

  • Step 4: Arm the Nuke on the site

  • Step 5: Defend the Nuke

  • What is Champion's Quest?

    Getting a nuke in Urzikstan is a bit different. The procedure to get the elements and arm the Nuke is as follows.

    Step 1: Qualifying for Champion's Quest

    Developers this time around have given a couple of options to qualify for Champion's Quest. The first one is to win 5 consecutive matches or win 30 games in a season.

    Step 2:Decide if you want to complete the contract in this game

    Once you qualify for Champion's Quest, in the next game, you can view the Champion's Quest contract right from the start. Before you opt for the contract, you need to decide whether it's wise to start the contract in this game or not.

    champion's domination
    Few things to keep in mind include the following:

  • You need to look at the loadout you have to ensure you have your favorite weapons.

  • If you plan on completing Champion's Quest contracts, it's best to start early in the game. If some time has already passed, it is best to start the contract in the next game.

  • Based on these 3 factors, determine whether to start in this game or pull out of the current game to try your luck in the next game.

  • Step 3: Grab the contract

    After qualifying, you can view the contract in the next game. It's best to directly drop on the location and grab the contract, which displays a message on the screen:

    “Initiated Champion’s Quest”

    Subsequently, a 20-minute timer is also initiated.

    Step 4: Procure the Geiger Counter

    After initiating the contract, scout for a marked loot cache nearby, which will contain the Geiger Counter. Procuring it reveals a marked area on the map. A golden icon with the radioactive symbol will disclose the location of this cache.

    Step 5: Search for the radioactive cache

    Use the Geiger Counter inside this area to detect radiation. The higher the radiation indication, the closer you are to the radioactive cache.

    Step 6: Get the first element

    The first radioactive cache consists of Beryllium (Be). Pick it up, but doing so will reveal your position to other players and also open up a new location on the map indicated by a golden safe icon. Keep in mind that the location of every element is revealed at an approximate delay of 10 seconds after picking up the earlier one and not instantly.

    Step 7: Drill the safe

    At the new location, you will find a locked nuclear safe, which you need to drill open. It is likely that you will be interrupted in the process since your location is now revealed because of picking up the first element.

    Ensure you defend the safe during the drilling process and eliminate any enemies until the drilling is complete.

    Step 8: Get Plutonium

    After drilling the safe, you would get Plutonium in addition to other valuable loot.

    Step 9: Shoot the chopper

    Yes, the developers have upped the ante this time around because for the third element, you will have to shoot down a nuclear chopper. After doing so, the chopper will drop a nuclear crate. Inside this crate is Tritium, which is the third element. Pick it up, and now your radar and vehicles in the game will be disabled.

    Step 10: Head to the bomb site

    After picking the 3 elements, the location of the bomb site is revealed.

    Step 11: Drop the elements and arm the bomb

    At the site, drop the elements and arm the bomb. While doing so, other players can prevent you from arming or even steal it from you. Therefore, you need to thwart attacks along the way.

    Step 12: Defend the Nuke

    After arming the Nuke, you need to defend it for 2 minutes. At the end of 2 minutes, Urzikstan will be destroyed and there will be a cinematic visual displaying the same.

    Timing of quest

    Apart from this strategy, it's important to know about the timing of various stages. I will highlight the same below.

  • Procuring of the elements, arming the Nuke should be done within 20 minutes of grabbing the contract.

  • It's necessary to defend the Nuke for 2 minutes to win.

  • Rest of the crucial time frames are disclosed in the strategy above.

    Tips to get the Warzone Nuke

    As it’s clear from the warzone nuke strategy I covered above, it’s not easy to complete the contract and assemble the Nuke. However, once you follow the tips below, the probability of getting and detonating the Nuke increases dramatically.

    1. Get a proper loadout

    Once you have qualified for the Champion’s Quest contract, in the next game you will have to fight many battles to detonate the Nuke. Without a proper loadout, it's very difficult to win all those battles. That's why you need to wait till you upgrade your weapons and get the right attachments before accepting the Champions Quest contract.

    Ideally, you need an assault rifle or an LMG as the primary weapon to pack heavy fire power. Secondary weapon can be a marksman rifle or shotgun. A lot depends on your playing style. Apart from that, don't ignore the lethals, tacticals, and perks.

    Only when you have your preferred loadout should you embark on Champion’s Quest contract.

    2. Attain heights

    Until you have decided to accept the Champion’s Quest contract, it's always best to attain height. Even during the contract, it’s best to move to heights to ensure you can easily view the location of the next element or the bomb site from a distance.

    3. Gather resources in between

    In between element disclosures you have little time. I know the time is less, but use those seconds carefully to gather resources. Divide the different areas among the team players to ensure all directions can be explored within a few seconds. That way, as a team, you can accumulate more resources in less time.

    Additionally, one team member should be given the responsibility of carrying armor plates to ensure everyone can gain maximum health within a short time. Often-times you will find a buy station near the element spot to stock up more armor plates.

    4. Get the right vehicles

    Grabbing the right vehicles for the Champions Quest contract is extremely important. Ideally you need 2 types of vehicles.

    LTV warzone LTV
    The LTV is a great vehicle to protect your squad and handle any terrain. LTV also comes in handy when enemies start attacking after you pick up Be.

    Helo Helo, on the other hand, helps you secure a site. Not only that, but the helo helps you swiftly move from one area to another, which reduces the time needed to find the elements.

    5. Work together as a team

    Working as a team to procure and detonate the Nuke is always better. Few tips you need to follow as a team include:

  • A single player shouldn't carry multiple elements because of the side-effects of carrying the element.

  • Once Be is picked up, its location will be shown on the map. Thereafter, the player carrying Be should be at the center of the squad so that in case of an attack, the player can get cover. An isolated player carrying Be is much easier to take down.

  • While scouting for the second or third element, the player carrying Be shouldn't scout for the element alone. At least one player should remain with that player all the time even while searching for the next element.

  • Before embarking on the contract, each team player should be clear about their role in the quest.

  • 6. Escape after grabbing the contract

    Throughout the contract duration, you have to move swiftly and use tac sprint wherever possible. The aim here is to reduce the contract duration because the lesser the duration, the higher the chances of success. Do remember you have only 20 minutes to complete the contract as well.

    Also, in between the elements, when you have time to linger around, don't let your guard down because doing so is a sure shot way to get killed, especially after gathering Be, whose location is visible.

    7. Hold the elements for as little time as possible

    As highlighted above, every element has a side effect. Some elements have a more significant side effect, whereas others not so much. Still, it’s best to reduce the element carrying time to as little as possible. Less damage due to elements means you will have better health in the end when you are defending the Nuke.

    During the last stage, everyone will aim to find your squad and eliminate it to successfully defuse the bomb. You would need to muster up all your skills and ammo to defend the Nuke for those 2 minutes.

    So, to be on a strong foot at that stage, hold the elements for as little time as possible.

    8. Get the right equipment

    Above, I spoke about procuring the right equipment before embarking on Champion’s Quest, but what do you actually need?

    I will share with you a few suggestions below.

    Smoke grenade A couple smoke grenades in the backpack of every player does come in handy. The smoke grenades are needed when you are heading towards the bomb site or arming the Nuke. Once you arm it, don't ever throw the smoke grenades towards the canister as that would provide cover to other players and help them defuse the Nuke.

    Thermal optics warzone thermal optics

    Thermal optics help you see through the smoke. The optics come in handy when you are moving through the smoke. In case, your enemies use the cover of smoke to defuse, then too the thermal optics will come to your rescue.

    Mortar strike warzone mortar strike

    Buy stations allow you to buy Mortar strike for 4000$. Once you arm the Nuke and there are enemies swarming around the Nuke to defuse it, use the Mortar strikes to discourage them. A pre-emptive strike also works well in keeping the enemies at bay. Not only that the mortar strike can finish downed enemies near the canister as well.

    Precision airstrike Problem with a mortar airstrike is that it isn't accurate. A much more effective option in this regard is Precision Airstrike. You can use the buy stations to buy it for $6000.

    Since the resultant strike is very precise it's easy to eliminate any enemy attempting to diffuse the Nuke.

    Advanced UAV Launching an Advanced UAV discloses location of all enemies. That way you can double check that no one is defusing the Nuke in stealth mode. Since it lets you know the enemies in the vicinity it’s easy to eliminate them.

    Either you can use the Advanced UAV to defend an armed nuke or to safely migrate the 3 elements. During the migration, enemy squads will know your location because of the Be element. While migrating if you know the location of enemies it's easy to proactively eliminate enemies, helping you migrate the 3 elements.

    UAV If you have only a single UAV, you can deploy it to secure the bomb and discourage anyone from diffusing it.

    Try to procure these resources before embarking on the Champions Quest contract and it becomes easy to successfully deploy the Nuke.

    9. Buy a Warzone Nuke Service

    Since an Urzikistan nuke is super hard, even harder than the Vondel one. We can help you get it. Visit our Warzone nuke boosting service and choose your Nuke. Whether you want it in piloted mode or by playing with us.

    The very same day our professional team of Warzone players will help you out and you will get your nuke. It's that easy.

    What will you get after dropping the Nuke?

    After you defend the armed Nuke for 2 minutes and it gets detonated 2 things happen.

    1. Victory screen

    After the detonation, you will get the Champion's Domination Victory screen along with the detonation visuals which holds a lot of prestige among CoD fans.

    2. Urzikistan Nuke rewards

  • Meltdown 240 Operator Skin

  • Number 1 Emblem

  • Nuke Crew Weapon Sticker

  • Atomic Weapon Charm

  • Big Boom Calling Card

  • Warning: Nuke Weapon Sticker

  • Dangerous Material Emblem

  • Acerbic Roil Weapon Camo

  • Tons of XP

  • Since all these are Nuke themed, they are highly coveted from COD players.

    Read more in our: Top 20 COD MW3 Multiplayer Guns


    How does Warzone Nuke work?

    Warzone nuke is obtained when you qualify and complete the Champions Quest contract. After arming and defending the Nuke for 2 minutes, it detonates, which makes you victorious and provides plenty of digital resources.

    How many nuke attempts do you get in Warzone?

    There are 4 chances for a squad of 4 players to procure the Nuke. Once you start a Champion's Quest contract and fail, next time, another player of the same squad can become the leader and attempt the Champions contract. It remains to be seen if the number of attempts is reduced in Warzone 3.

    What happens if you fail Champions Quest?

    If the team gets eliminated after beginning the Champions Quest contract, another player can become the Team Leader in the next game and attempt to start the Champions Quest contract again.

    Has anyone got a solo nuke in warzone?

    Yes, streamer ConnerDose managed to get a nuke in the solo mode in Warzone 2. The best thing was he used only melee weapons.

    How hard is a nuke in Warzone?

    The qualification criteria is to win 5 consecutive Battle Royale matches or 30 in total in a season in itself is really difficult. After that, the Champion’s Quest contract isn't easy to complete either. All in all, it's extremely difficult to get a nuke in Warzone.

    How much damage does 1 nuke in warzone do?

    Simply put, once it's detonated it ends the game and all players are killed while the team who detonates it, wins.

    Wrapping it up

    With the famous warzone nuke making its debut in Warzone 3, it’s time to get more serious to get that coveted Nuke. Simply follow the guide above and chances of getting the Nuke increases significantly.

    If you are struggling with procuring the right weapons and attachments for Champion’s Quest contract, try out our Warzone KD boosting services, Warzone win boosting, and Warzone nuke boosting services which will help you get a nuke in Urzikistan the very same day.

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