Apex Ranked boosting done by one of the best Apex Predator players
Do you know the feeling when you start playing ranked in hopes you will win ranked games with an amazing squad, yet all you get are teammates who don’t communicate, pick non-meta legends and run around like headless chicken? We’re sure you do. These kinds of teammates are preventing you from reaching your desired Apex Legends division and rewards. This is why we started our Apex Legends ranked boost service.
We hire only the highest-rated Apex Predator players in the world to give you that push you need in order to reach your desired division and division. Our Apex Legends boosting team operates on PC, PS4, and XBOX in all regions of the world. Ranked boosting is available via account sharing where we play on your account, and playing with boosters where you group up with our pros and reach your dream LP. Simple, carefree and anonymous.
We fully understand that not all Apex players have enough time on their hands in order to grind the LP that’s required in order to achieve the dream division. Apex Legends requires you to play a lot in order to increase your LP, if you count in all the bad teams that you will play with on the grind, we’re talking countless days.
Our next-generation Apex Boosting platform allows you to customize your boost fully, schedule your boosting time by pausing and unpausing your order, play with the boosters on your own time, even specify the legends our booster can play while playing on your account. We will gladly fulfill any special request you might have, whenever possible.
One of our core beliefs is that customer satisfaction is a top priority. Returning customers mean that we’re doing it right and we want to keep doing it. This is why we have a loyalty program that will count your every purchase and reward you for continuous purchases.
Every purchase will count to your total spent amount and allow you to progress through our internal rankings - each rank up will reward you with a bigger permanent discount coupon that you can use to discount any of your orders. On top of that, by telling your friends about us, both of you can earn 5$ as soon as your friend makes a first purchase*.
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