Hey everyone! Today, I'm going to talk about Alter, the new Apex Legends hero added in Season 21.

She's an offensive legend with a unique kit and tactical ability, making her one of the best characters to play. This guide will help you dominate squads in no time.

Alter is the 26th Legend added to the Apex Legends roster with the launch of Season 21 on Tuesday, May 7th, 2024. Since Revenant in 2020, she's the first villain to join the game. Not much is known about Alter yet, but she’s a Skirmisher class Legend, designed for confrontational and aggressive play. Alter brings a new level of chaos to Apex Legends in Season 21.

Who Is Alter?

Alter, whose real name is Yingling Lui, is a mysterious figure. She's an unreliable narrator about her past, and little is known about her true history. Using Void tech, she has traveled through multiple dimensions, causing chaos and upheaval in each one. She takes great delight in the destruction she causes, although her true motivations remain a mystery. Now, she has set her sights on the Apex Games.

Alter is drawn to places on the brink of destruction, whether due to natural causes or man-made disasters. Sometimes, she even gives the world a push towards its end. Trained to be a killer from childhood, she went mad after her teammates and parents betrayed and killed her. She often fakes her identity, creating new backgrounds for herself when about to kill an enemy.

Alter is also skilled at manipulating people to achieve her goals, telling them whatever they need to hear. However, if you look closely enough, you might find a shred of truth in her stories. Currently, we know that Alter has a particular fixation on Horizon.

Alter Pros & Cons

When it comes to pros, Alter and her squad excel at mobility, swiftly rotating across the map, engaging aggressively in fights, and tactically retreating when needed. Her Passive ability also helps gather valuable information.

However, Alter isn't effective in defensive positions; she's more suited to breaking through them instead. When she places her Ultimate on the ground, enemies can destroy it at any time. Additionally, using teleportation leaves Alter and her team vulnerable, as a rift remains at the destination, allowing enemies to follow them. If Alter's squad includes Caustic or Wattson, their defensive abilities can effectively protect her Ultimate from enemy attacks.

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Alter's Abilities

Gift From The Rift (Passive)

Can remotely interact with a deathbox to claim one item. It cannot be a shield core.

Gift from the Rift is Alter’s Passive Ability. It lets you see Deathboxes through walls and take a single item from them without slowing down. While it’s not as powerful as Loba’s Black Market Boutique, it has its advantages and can significantly impact gameplay.

This ability is handy when you're running from other squads and need a quick Med Kit or Shield Cell to stay in the match. You can take any one item from the Deathbox, except armor. If it’s in the Deathbox, you can choose it and claim it for yourself.

  • The color of the deathbox corresponds to the rarity of its most valuable item, just like usual.

  • Alter's Passive ability has a range of 75 meters. To put that into perspective, normally you have to be within about 2 meters of a deathbox to manually loot it.

  • When Alter hasn't checked a deathbox yet, you'll see a skull icon indicating this.

  • While Alter can't take shield cores from deathboxes, she can grab shield cells and batteries.

  • Void Passage (Tactical)

    Alter puts down two portal rifts at a distance of up to 20 meters away from her position. She can teleport between these two rifts.

    Void Passage is Alter’s tactical ability. This lets you shoot bridging portals through various surfaces. You and your squad can use these portals to move safely, though you will be vulnerable for a short time after exiting. You have to manually interact with the portals to use them, as you’re not automatically teleported.

    The Void can travel through surfaces up to 20 meters thick and can be shot up to 45 meters away. It's great for setting up ambushes, especially if enemy teams are inside a building; you can place one on the roof and drop down on them. However, you can't travel through thick mountains.

    Keep in mind that both enemies and your squad can use Alter’s Void Passage, so you might get some unexpected visitors. Be careful when setting one up.

    This ability creates a small phase breach that lets you go through walls, ceilings, floors, and anything except mountains. It acts as a gateway from one part of a structure to another. You can move up, sideways, and down, and it lasts for a while, allowing multiple uses from one portal. v Alter can travel up and down significant distances with her tactical, similar to Horizon's ability, by pressing the interact key.

    apex legends alter tactical
  • The portal stays open for 1 second and lasts for 15 seconds once activated. It takes 1 second to travel through the Void. You can place the portal up to 45 meters away, and it can penetrate surfaces up to 20 meters deep.

  • While inside the Void, all players are immune to damage except from the Ring. Alter can control not only where the portal starts but also the direction of its exit by holding the Tactical button.

  • If Alter places the portal on a ceiling, the lower portal generates a Void energy pillar to access it. You'll need to press the interaction button to enter the Void. This feature allows for quick ascension to higher ground, similar to Horizon's Tactical ability.

  • Both allies and enemies can see the outline of entry and exit portals. An indicator warns of nearby enemy portals, much like with thrown explosives.

  • Enemies are highlighted in red while traveling through any Void, making them easier to spot and target.

  • Void Nexus (Ultimate)

    Alter places a device to which she can teleport to from a distance of up to 200 meters. Teammates can do the same.

    Void Nexus is Alter’s Ultimate ability. It allows her or her squad to place a device anywhere on the map that lets them return to that spot as long as the device is active and not destroyed. If you push an enemy squad and need to retreat quickly, this ability can get you out of a tough situation fast.

    Keep in mind, you and your squad can only use Void Nexus once. However, there's a trick: if you've already used your charge but another squad member hasn’t, you can piggyback on their charge to teleport back to the device together.

    Enemies can also use the Void Nexus device and see it when it's deployed. They might use it to ambush you or wait for your squad to return and surround you.

    Even if you’ve been knocked, you and your teammates can activate the Nexus to phase back to that location at any time.

    Alter's wall-teleportation ability, similar to Wraith’s, allows her to teleport through walls. This will be particularly interesting on the new map set in Suo, providing new tactical opportunities.

    apex legends alter finisher
  • Even knocked players can use Nexus to teleport back into action. Void Nexus remains active for 120 seconds once deployed.

  • Teleporting through Nexus takes 3 seconds, while traveling through the Void can take up to 6 seconds depending on the distance and obstacles.

  • The maximum teleport range is 200 meters. A purple circle on the minimap indicates the current Nexus radius, visible to Alter and her team.

  • Each player can teleport to a Nexus only once. Icons near the Nexus indicate who has already used it.

  • After teleporting, a Void rift remains for 10 seconds, appearing 6 seconds after teleportation. Both allies and enemies can use this rift; Alter's team can reuse their teleport token through it.

  • Nexus can be destroyed by both enemies and Alter herself.

  • After traveling through the Void, weapons will be holstered.

  • Ability Upgrades

    apex legends alter ability upgrades
    Level Ability Upgrade 1 Ability Upgrade 2
    Level 2 Frequent Nexus – Ultimate cooldown reduced by 30 seconds Seeing with Portals – Highlight persists after the tactical phase. See enemy health bars after exiting the portal
    Level 3 Tactical Cooldown+ – Tactical cooldown reduced by 10 seconds Unending Nexus – Void Nexus no longer times out.

    To make the most of Alter’s abilities, you need a solid plan for level-up upgrades. Each level offers good choices, so you’ll have to decide carefully. If you’re playing with your team and everyone’s on comms, the Frequent Nexus upgrade is useful. It lets you retreat to a safe spot, allowing for bolder plays.

    When playing with randoms, the ability to briefly see enemies’ health bars as you exit portals is the best option.

    At Level 3, the Infinite Nexus is a top choice if you have good synergy with your teammates. For Void Passage, the 10-second cooldown reduction is probably the better option.

    How To Play Alter Like a Pro

    1. Alter has several playstyles, but I believe there's a best way to play her. She's very strong when played aggressively. As a skirmisher Legend, Alter excels in offensive roles, often turning the tide of a fight by being the first to engage.

    2. Her tactical ability is highly useful, not just for direct attacks but also for distractions or masking your footsteps with its loud sound cue. Use her tactical ability frequently to push fights and engage enemies. One of her perks reduces the cooldown by 10 seconds, so you can deploy it often to surround and confuse enemies, giving you a significant advantage.

    3. Alter is also beneficial for teammates. Her tactical ability can reach up to 45 meters, allowing you to support from a distance, whether you're sniping or positioning your teammates for a strategic advantage. You don't always have to be on the front line; you can let your teammates take the lead and then follow to make a decisive impact.

    4. The tactical ability's effectiveness is only limited by your creativity, so use it frequently and strategically.

    5. For her Ultimate ability, use the device regularly. It has a long cooldown and charge-up time, but it lasts a long time too. One of her perks includes an infinite nexus, allowing you to use your current ultimate while the next one recharges. Place the device strategically, so if you get knocked down, you can teleport back to it. It's effective up to 200 meters, serving as a fail-safe if you're in trouble. Hold your knockdown shield, find the Nexus, and use it to get back into the fight.

    Best Team Comps For Alter

    Alter, Wattson, Mirage

    This setup focuses on deception and control. Mirage's holographic decoys and Alter's mobility create confusion, making it difficult for enemies to counter. Wattson's defensive skills provide cover and control over key areas, helping the team outmaneuver and outsmart opponents.

    Alter, Pathfinder, Gibraltar

    This team composition takes advantage of Alter's mobility paired with Pathfinder's Grappling Hook, offering exceptional movement versatility. Gibraltar's defensive skills provide cover and crowd control, enabling the team to dominate the battlefield and dictate how engagements unfold.

    Alter, Bloodhound, Octane

    This team setup focuses on speed and aggressiveness, leveraging Alter and Octane for swift movement and Bloodhound for tracking enemies. By combining their mobility and tracking skills, these legends excel in quick engagements and surprise attacks, making them a strong force in fast-paced battles.

    Alter, Caustic, Bangalore

    This team setup is all about controlling the battlefield and putting enemies at a disadvantage. Alter's mobility works well with Bangalore's smoke grenades, and Caustic's gas traps add lethal zones that enemies have to navigate carefully. Together, they form a strong defensive strategy that can shift the course of battles in their favor.

    Alter, Lifeline, Wraith

    This team composition pairs Alter's great mobility with Wraith's portal ability for strategic repositioning and flanking maneuvers. Lifeline's healing skills keep the team sustained during fights, making them strong in aggressive skirmishes as well as prolonged battles.

    Best Alter Loadouts and Guns

    Since Alter excels as an entry fragger, it's ideal to equip weapons that deliver fast and high damage, like shotguns or SMGs. However, Alter's Ultimate enables her to take on an anchor role, providing long-range support for teammates. In such scenarios, marksman rifles and sniper rifles become invaluable.

  • R-301 Carbine / VK-47 Flatline / Nemesis Burst AR + 30-30 Repeater / Sentinel

  • R-99 SMG / C.A.R. SMG + Peacekeeper / Mastiff

  • HAVOC Rifle / L-STAR EMG/ Alternator SMG + Wingman

  • Wrapping it up

    Apex Legends Season 21 introduces a new legend who shares Wraith's portal abilities but offers more versatility and creative potential. In this guide, we'll delve into Alter's unique abilities and how best to utilize them.

    Alter is classified as a Skirmisher, excelling in flanking maneuvers and agile battlefield navigation. If you enjoy outmaneuvering opponents and thrive on fast-paced, unpredictable combat tactics, Alter could be the perfect legend for you.

    Make sure to always check the Apex Legends Tier List to find out how is Alter currently doing compared to other legends.

    Lastly, I'd like to tell you about our Apex Legends rank boosting and Apex Legends badge boosting. Our pro players can help you reach any rank in Apex, or get you the best badges such as 20 kills or 4K damage for Alter. We can get you going as soon as today!

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