The number of active Apex Legends players is over 15 million in 2024. Needless to say, catering to such a large number of players isn't easy. That's why the game developers have introduced various modes to keep so many players entertained. However, the developers eliminate modes that aren't that popular.

This brings up a very important question: which are the current Apex Legends game modes?

The list below includes not only the active modes but also helps you understand how they differ and which ones are more entertaining.

Read more in our: How To Level Up Your Apex Legends Account Fast

1. Battle Royale

The Battle Royale mode has a total of 60 players in every match. The players can play Solo or in squads of 2 or 3, depending on your chosen game mode. The last squad that survives is the winner. Even if a single player of a certain squad is the last man standing, the entire squad wins.

The match starts with a dropship with all the squads. As the dropship moves over the map, the players are free to choose the drop site. One player in the squad is the jumpmaster, who decides the drop site for the squad.

After reaching the ground, it's all about looting and eliminating other squads.

Currently, the game offers 4 different maps for Battle Royale. These are:

apex legends olympus
  • Olympus

  • World's Edge

  • Kings Canyon

  • Storm Point

  • Now, I will go into the different Battle Royale modes.


    apex legends pathfinder
    The main advantage of playing solo is that there is no need to match up with random players just to play the game. No need to coordinate with anyone. Also, in regions with few players, you might team up with someone who doesn't even speak your language, making things even more difficult for you. That's why solo Battle Royale mode is pretty liberating.

    However, there is a disadvantage as well.

    The maps and gameplay mechanics in Apex Legends were designed for larger squads. Playing solo means you can't utilize them to the fullest.


    The duos mode involves playing in a team of 2 players.

    Duos as a mode was added later. Initially, Battle Royale just offered Trios mode. Since this mode's launch, the queue time has reduced, which means you can play more matches in less time. Also, it's easy for the players to complement each other's abilities.

    Also, it's much easier to coordinate between 2 players than between 3 players, which is another reason to stick to Duos.

    One difference between Duos and Trios is that the battles are less intense when playing in Duos. Of course, that's because when 2 squads face each other, only 4 players are involved.

    Also, Duos make the game less complex since out-of-the-box thinking isn't needed. You can stick to the abilities of your legends and still perform pretty well.

    Considering the pros and cons, Duos is perfect for someone who likes to take it slow and learn the game better.


    There are many different advantages of sticking to the Trios in Battle Royale.

    For starters, maps and Battle Royale were designed for the Trios. This means you can fully use the map features when playing in Trios.

    In Trios, you can rely more on your squad. Let's say you need revival. One of the squad members can revive you, whereas another one can carry on with the fight or provide cover. Your chances of recovering and indulging in another fight are pretty high in Trio.

    Sure enough, there is more chaos when playing in trios, but most players enjoy that. Also, you need to get better at team coordination and communication if you want to excel with trios. However, getting better at these things just takes a few games.

    2. Ranked Mode

    Want to compete with players at a similar level?

    Try out the Ranked mode. It tries to pit you against players with similar ranks. The aim is to gain points by defeating them. Using these, you can climb up the ranks and compete against stronger players.

    Remember that Ranked is not a mode you can gain access to immediately. You need to reach level 20 to play the Ranked mode.

    Apex Legends Ranks are:

  • Bronze

  • Silver

  • Gold

  • Platinum

  • Diamond

  • Master

  • apex legends ranked leagues
    Each of these ranks is further divided into 4 divisions. Before climbing to the next rank, you must climb these 4 divisions. The best way to do so is to earn Ranked Points or RP.

    Many players think the only way to earn RP is by killing enemy players. That's not entirely true. There are multiple ways to earn RP like:

  • Getting more kills

  • Match placements

  • Skill level

  • Assisting others

  • Now that you know how Ranked mode works, it's time to consider its pros and cons.

    One of the primary advantages is that at the end of every season, you get rewards based on the highest rank you have achieved. Another advantage of playing the Ranked mode is that the game is pretty intense since you compete against players with similar skill levels.

    Also, climbing through the divisions and ranks keeps the game interesting. There is never a dull moment.

    As for the cons, you need to always be on your toes. You can use Ranked Fortitude to protect your rank, but that can only help you for a limited time.

    If you like competitive gameplay, this is the game mode you should stick to. I would also like to point out that we can help you rank up in Apex Legends ranked mode with our Apex Legends rank boosting service.

    Our professional Apex boosters can help you rank up to any rank, including The Apex Predator. Just head over to our services page and customize your order, you can start ranking up as early as today!

    3. Mixtape

    apex legends mixtape
    Apex Legends Mixtape is a playlist for different gaming modes. All the gaming modes are LTMs, which stands for Limited Time Modes. The reason why Mixtape is so popular is because it takes away the competitiveness of the game. If you simply want to enjoy the game before heading into the battle royale or ranked matches, it's a great way to warm up.

    Moreover, since the Mixtape involves different types of games, there is no monotony. You will have to achieve a different objective in each game, making them even more exciting. An additional feature of Mixtape is that the maps and modes vary every 15 minutes.

    Now it's time to look at the type of matches in this game mode.


    The Control match is unique and consists of 3 squads of 3 players competing against a similar number of players. The aim is to gain control of different areas on the map. In total, the map has 3 zones. Whichever side controls more zones earns more points. While trying to establish and maintain control, the best player in every battle also gains a rating.

    Each team gains points depending on the zones it controls. Whichever team gains 1250 capture points is declared the winner. While the teams on both sides start at the base, they must move quickly to the adjacent zones and take control of them. Any team controlling the 3 zones for a specific time wins if a lockdown occurs.

    Individual players gain ratings by getting kills, assists, or capturing and retaining control over zones. Once a player attains enough ratings, they can upgrade their loadout. Initially, the players have blue-tier weapons, but with enough ratings, they can upgrade them to purple or gold.

    The mode offers squads as individual players plenty of rewards to keep them engaged.

    Gun Run

    In combat games, weapons have always lured players. The same applies to Apex Legends, where players can choose from a host of guns. Gun Run mode in Mixtape allows you to try out almost all such weapons.

    The game mode consists of 4 squads, each with 3 legends. All the legends have basic gear, such as a body shield, helmet, ammo, etc.

    At the start, each legend has only 1 weapon. The goal is to get a kill using that weapon. Once a legend gets that kill, their score will increase, and the weapon will be replaced with a newer one.

    The weapon a player gets is dependent on the team's highest score. The category of weapons is set. However, if a legend is killed, the score is reduced by 1.

    Initially, it will start with assault rifles, followed by LMGs. Next in the queue include SMGs, shotguns, Marksman weapons, snipers, and pistols.

    The aim is to progress through 25 weapons by getting 1 kill with each. The 25th weapon is a throwing knife.

    Whichever team gets a kill first with the 25th weapon wins.

    The advantage of this game mode is the speed. The action is intense since every team must quickly progress through the weapons.

    Sure enough, it might not be the best option for beginners. Once you gain the basic skills, it's an excellent fast-paced mode.

    Team Deathmatch

    Team Deathmatch consists of 2 teams with 6 legends each. The aim is to gain 50 kills as a team. Whenever a player gets killed, they can respawn. Also, when waiting to respawn, you can change your legend. As for the weapons, you can go with 5 weapon loadouts. The maps in this game mode can vary from custom maps to Battle Royale maps.

    The best thing about this mode is that the gameplay is pretty fast.

    The game mode has another unique aspect. I am speaking about the weapon and ammo system. Initially, you must choose a primary and second weapon from the base loot pool. One should try to pick the weapons that complement one another. The main difference is in the ammo system. You won't get ammo drops on the map. Not only that, but players don't drop ammo when they die, either. Players drop the weapon when they die. Along with that, they drop the ammo tied to that weapon.

    Uniformity is maintained among players by each one having the same armor and attachments when they spawn. The most aggressive player wins. The spawns are unlimited.

    You're wrong if you think you can die as many times as you want when playing Deathmatch. This is perhaps the biggest disadvantage. If you get killed more times as compared to killing enemies, you are providing the opposition with an advantage since everyone needs to get only a fixed number of kills.

    Despite the limitations of this mode, the excitement and fast-paced nature of this game mode help it stand out.


    Lockdown is the newest LTM mode in Apex Legends. The game consists of four squads, each with four players. The aim of the mode is to establish control over the Capture Zones. The team that gets 500 points wins the game.

    The Capture Zone, which one needs to establish control over, will spawn from time to time. Once it spawns, the game becomes similar to a Control setup. The points are awarded based on parameters like:

  • The team that reaches a zone first gets 15 points.

  • Holding a zone for 3 seconds gets you 5 points for every 3 seconds.

  • Capturing a zone provides 25 points.

  • If you capture the Last Stand Zone, you get 50 points.

  • Killing a player gets you 5 points.

  • Eliminating all the enemy players present in a zone grants you 10 points.

  • Eliminate the players in the lead, and you get 15 points.

  • The best thing about this mode is that you get points for a whole host of activities, which makes things exciting. The mode is LTM, but that doesn't mean the game will be without an outcome if one team doesn't reach 500 points. In that case, the team with the most points wins the game.

    Another advantage of Lockdown is that you have greater control over the game's outcome.

    On the flip side, you're certainly on the weaker side if you don't have a legend with fast movement when playing this mode.

    The mode is certainly better than control, which has made it pretty popular among players.

    4. Training

    apex legends training mode
    As the name suggests, the game's training mode is to help you improve your aim and become more familiar with the weapons. Also, this mode is a great option to warm up before trying another mode.

    Apart from shooting targets in this mode, you can try out all the guns. Not only that, but you also get to test the mobility of different legends. The mode rewards you if you reach hard-to-reach places. Since it covers most basics, you are ready to start playing the other modes once you spend enough time in the training mode.

    The training mode also familiarizes you with the loot system and teaches you about the ping system, which is great for communicating with your team.

    You might think the training mode is perfect, but it has a few shortcomings.

    There are hardly any target variations. Therefore, once you become accustomed to the target form factor, improving your aim is difficult, no matter how much you practice. The variation in the speed of the targets is missing as well. Since every target moves at the same pace, it becomes monotonous after a while.

    Since attachments aren't allowed in the training mode, testing the guns is difficult.

    It is one mode you should try when just starting out with the game.

    5. Firing Range

    apex legends firing range
    The firing range goes a step further than the training mode. In this mode, all the weapons are available except survival items. The mode helps you improve your aim by using targets or dummies. The best thing about this mode is that you can join the mode with other players. Not only that, but you also have control over friendly fire. You can set it on or off as per your requirements.

    The firing range experience is closer to the real game than the training mode, making it better.

    6. Private Match

    Many players are unaware that creating private matches in Apex Legends is possible. It allows them to have greater control over who participates in the match. You can create the match and invite whomever you want.

    The number of players needed for the private match varies depending on the game mode you choose. Below, I will cover the players needed for different modes.

  • Battle Royale: 30 players

  • Team Deathmatch: 12 players

  • Control mode: 6 players

  • Gun Run: 6 players

  • Not only do you get to invite players to the match, but once you go to the settings option, you can tweak the settings to play the game as you prefer. It means you certainly have more control over the match.

    You have control over not only the players but also the teams. Once you invite the players to the game and they join, you can easily organize them into different teams. If you don't want to do so, you can simply choose the Self-Assign option.

    Apart from creating private matches, you can join one if you are invited to it.

    Read more: < href="">pex Legends Tips & Tricks - 10 New Player Tips Wish I Knew

    What are other LTM modes in Apex Legends?

    Developers reintroduce a few modes occasionally, depending on limited-time events. These include:

    1. Apex Elite Queue

    apex legends elite queue
    Apex Elite Queue is a mode that unlocks only when you reach the top 5 in a Battle Royale match. The queue helps the top 5 players compete in a separate lobby for special badges. The badges were more like a testament that one who earned them was a champion among champions. While the mode has been discontinued, many players preferred it for the badges.

    2. Armed and Dangerous

    apex legends armed dangerous
    Armed and Dangerous is an LTM that allows you to use only Shotguns and Snipers. Due to weapon limitations, every shot and every encounter matters a lot. The rest of the gameplay remains very similar to Battle Royale. Since the shield spawns are pretty limited, you can cause significant damage with every bullet.

    While the weapon limitation certainly makes things exciting, many players believe that the changes are too little and, therefore, the mode isn't entertaining or exciting.

    3. Shadowfall

    apex legends shadowfall
    The basic gameplay of this mode is very similar to the game's solo mode. However, when a legend is killed, they turn into shadows. All the shadows are on the same team and have the same objective. The objective of Shadows is to kill the legends which are alive.

    On the other hand, the job of the legends alive is pretty simple. They need to survive. If they want to survive, they need to kill other legends.

    Shadows have limited capabilities. Their health is 30, and they can deal 150 damage in a single melee attack. However, they can't loot anything, so they must rely only on melee attacks.

    The noise emitted by Shadows alerts legends when they are in the vicinity. You can hear this noise even when the shadows stand still.

    There is a revenge element in the game. When a Legend is killed, the shadow can see the position of their killer on the map. This means that if you want, you can target the legend. On the other hand, if a Shadow is eliminated, the position of the death is highlighted, which means other Shadows can view the spot of confrontation. They can head to that spot to eliminate the legend.

    The gameplay changes entirely once only 10 legends remain. Once the game reaches that stage, all legends are on the same team. After that, if a legend gets killed, they are directly eliminated.

    After a set amount of time in this stage, an evac ship appears, and the legends have to escape by boarding this ship. Needless to say, the Shadows have to prevent the legends from doing so.

    Whichever legend boards the ship and escapes wins. On the other hand, if no legend manages to escape, the Shadows win.

    The rapidly changing nature of this game mode is what makes it better than many other Apex Legends game modes.

    4. Winter Express

    apex legends winter express
    As compared to other modes, Winter Express is pretty unique. The basic premise of this mode is simple. The match consists of 3 squads with 3 Legends in each. The aim is to capture a train. However, only 1 squad can capture the train, and that squad wins.

    The squad has to board the train to initiate capturing it. There are two ways to capture a train; the first one is to take control of it. Another is to kill every enemy squad on the train. Capturing the train takes 10 seconds if no one disrupts you in between.

    The exact gameplay can change every time the mode comes back. Usually, one of the teams spawns on the train, whereas the other two teams are on a Dropship.

    The mode is much more complex than the average mode, which is why the learning curve is steep.

    Still, it's certainly worth trying out.

    Read more: Here are The Best 10 Tips for Apex Legends Winter Express Event

    5. Gold Rush Duos

    This mode is very similar to Battle Royale Duos. The change is that you must choose between Fully Kitted weapons or Supply Drop weapons.

    6. Live.Die.Live

    Purely in terms of gameplay, this game mode is similar to Battle Royale. There is, however, one stark difference: players can respawn after dying as long as one of their squad members is alive. However, the respawning isn't instantaneous. Whenever the ring starts closing, that's when the dead members start spawning. If you can bump off the entire squad before that, you have eliminated them for good. This means that you have to strategize the attack to eliminate the players.

    There are 2 ways to eliminate an entire squad in this game. The first one is to get simultaneous kills. For this, you need proper teamwork and coordination. The second option is to eliminate the opposite squad members individually before the ring starts closing. There are many other tactical moves you can make.

    7. Third person mode

    apex legends third person mode
    The third-person mode doesn't vary the gameplay much. Instead, the camera positioning is different. As the name suggests, the camera is positioned right behind the legend. That's why you must alter your gameplay to gain better situational awareness. It takes the game away from the first-person shooting experience that Apex Legends offers.

    So, if you want to break the monotony, this is the game mode you should stick to.

    8. Always Be Closing

    As the name suggests, the ring closes consistently in this mode. It means apart from eliminating enemies, you must always be on the move to remain inside the ring. There are 2 different variations of this game mode.


    In the standard variation, the entire Trio squad has to be inside the ring while the ring keeps on closing. Anyone left outside the ring will suffer from Final Round damage, which is pretty high.


    In the Evolved mode, the rules pertaining to the ring are the same. The only difference is that Evo Shield, and Shotgun Shells are available. Graffiti Mod can spawn as well.

    9. DUMMIEs Big Day

    In this mode, there are a total 3 squads of 3 players each. The aim is to survive and eliminate the other squads. The only difference is that instead of being legends, players are now dummies.

    10. Deja Loot

    Deja Loot is more predictable than any other Battle Royale trio variant. The Care packages, items appear at the same spot match after match. Even the items inside the packages are the same. The dropship takes the same route, and the ring ends at the same location.

    You might think, wouldn't that make the game monotonous?

    No, because after playing a couple of matches, many players know the location where others are likely to drop and the spots for the best loot. Since everyone will try to get the best loot, there will be immense competition.

    My point is that predictability makes the game more competitive, which is what makes it exciting.

    Read more: Apex Legends Deja Loot - Best Landing Spots and Loot Locations

    11. Battle Armor

    Battle Armor is an ever-evolving mode. Initially, players have a few syringes, P2020, Holo, and 20 light rounds. As the name suggests, players have a body shield as well. However, the level of the Body Shield keeps on changing. Also, every few days something or the other changes in this mode. Changes make this mode entertaining.

    12. Flashpoint

    In this Battle Royale Trio variant, certain spots on the map have flashpoints. Remaining inside these flashpoints will regenerate health and shield. The only requirement is that you shouldn't suffer any damage inside this flashpoint for a certain time. Apart From that, the ring continues to move till the final round. That means you have to choose the flashpoint wisely.

    13. Airdrop Escalation

    The difference in this mode is that the number of Care packages with gear and Fully Kitted weapons is much higher. This means the chance of getting powerful and efficient weapons is high for both you and your enemies, which makes this game mode more competitive.

    14. Locked and Loaded

    In this mode, Legends have Level 1 weapons when they spawn. They more or less have the same weapons. Thereafter, Level 1 items won't spawn.

    15. Ring Fury

    In addition to the main ring on the map, many more small rings appear on the map that act in a similar way. Heat shields are available as well, which help you navigate the map better. This is another mode that escalates, which means something will change in this mode every few days.

    16. Second Chance

    The name is pretty apt for this mode. Each legend gets a Respawn token that they can use in the game. When they are bleeding, they can use this token to respawn along with all the items. The token is used automatically when any legend dies, if they haven’t already used it. It means you essentially get 2 lives in this mode.

    17. Armor Regend

    The difference in this Battle Royale mode is that your shield will regenerate if no damage is experienced for some time.

    18. Ultra Zones

    Ultra Zones mode offers 3 hot zones to players instead of 1. Every one of the zones has a flashpoint, which means that shields and health can recover.

    How to choose the right game mode?

    Even among the active modes, there are plenty of options. That's why it can be confusing to choose the right game mode. Consider the parameters below, and choosing the right mode will become easy.

    1. Number of players in the team

    First, you want to decide whether to play solo or in a team of two or three. Depending on this, the mode you choose will vary.

    2. Intensity

    Certain modes are more intense than others. For example, Battle Royale Trios is more intense than Duos. Some players prefer more intense matches, whereas others prefer less intense ones. Decide on the intensity and then choose the game mode.

    Read more in our: Top 15 Beginner Mistakes Apex Players Should Avoid

    3. Skill level

    The usual Battle Royale mode requires you to focus on the loot and killing the enemies. However, many other modes restrict the loot, provide a more challenging environment, etc. If you are just a beginner, choosing this option doesn't make sense. That's why the mode choice should also depend on the skill level.

    4. Time availability

    Needless to say, certain modes take more time than others. That's why looking at the average time per match is important before choosing a mode.

    5. Playing style

    Are you more of a strategic player or an aggressive one?

    You also need to consider your playing style when choosing the mode.

    Select a mode based on these parameters, and you won't be disappointed.


    Is there a theater mode in Apex Legends?

    No, there is no theater mode in Apex Legends. You can, however, create a private match, as I have highlighted above.

    Does Apex Legends have offline mode?

    No, you can't play Apex Legends offline. All the game modes that I have highlighted above require an internet connection. That's because, in all modes, you have to collaborate with other players, which is only possible when connected to the internet.

    Can you play Apex without talking?

    Yes, you can play Apex Legends without talking. Disable the voice and text chat settings, and you can play the game in an isolated fashion.

    Can we play room in Apex Legends?

    Yes, you can create a room in Apex Legends. To do so, you need to create a Private Match. Creating a private match and inviting players isn't complicated in Apex Legends.

    Is Apex Legends family-friendly?

    The game is violent; there is no doubt about that. Apart from that, there is no reference to sexual content or use of drugs.

    Wrapping it up

    With so many Apex Legends game modes available, finding one that meets your requirements isn't difficult. The limited-time events further bring in new additions, increasing the options further. Time to play the game now and try out one of the many modes available.

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